Friday, 26 September 2014

Network marketing is the way to go

Hey everyone and welcome to another blog from My journey to the millions! Today's topic will be on network marketing or multilevel marketing. Most people have a bad view on these types of companies, and some are for a good reason. We will be talking about some benefits and downsides to this industry.

Network marketing has been given a bad name, due to some companies failing, some scams from the past and people that say this system doesn't work simply because they don't work. In the end, if someone was to get hired to do network marketing for a wage, they would kick ass at it. Most people fail though because they give up so soon. You don't see a dollar from your job without working 80 hours, so what makes you think you'll see a dollar if you work 5 hours then quit? Network marketing is in the best position ever right now to completely explode. Baby boomers that can not retire comfortably and will be taking a chance in this market now. The younger generation also has less opportunity for jobs so they will be shifting to this industry as well. Right there alone can give this industry huge growth but we're not finished. Some believe the second Great Depression is coming and get when this industry thrives best, when the economy is doing bad! That's still not all of the reasons.  Half of American jobs are on track to be replaced by 2025 by robots and I'm not talking about low paying mcdonalds job. In fact, those will be the main jobs left. This all leaves it in a position to boom, we will see the peak years for this industry over the next few decades I could imagine.

I have came across multiple type of network marketing with different payment systems. Some have ladders, some pyramids, and some to complex to explain. You can find company's that you pay a one time fee and then are in the business forever, you can find company's that you pay monthly for auto ship, and you can even find company's that don't really charge much to start, such as the one i just got involved with. Just paid 104 dollars for an exam I have to do which they provide the course, and the opportunity to make 10,000 of one sale is there. Easy to recruit, income potential is huge, and you can make big money in the first month! I don't know what I would do if I found a better opportunity, this one seems so unrealistic already! Donald trump said take an opportunity for what it is, an opportunity. Remember to do your own research on a company and compare it to others before joining! It works if you work!

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The face to the name

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