This is our first blog, which is just a introduction. If you'd like to know a bit about us, check it out.
This blog is written a bout a few people that were average people or had nothing to their name, and turned it into a fortune.
These two blogs give a few idea's of how you can increase your income, in a way that could be a lower tax bracket then what your currently in. These work in any city, especially expensive city's such as vancouver.
Here is a list of some blogs that you can get a bit educated on a topic of your choice, to learn how you can increase your income, and learn how to start investing.
Here are two examples of how to make cashflow in two different asset class's.
This blog will open your mind to prepare you for a glimpse of the future
If you own mutual funds, give this a read for sure. It could be very rewarding if you learn a bit about mutual funds and decide to take action
These three blogs will open your mind on becoming successful. It isn't what you do but how you do it, and why you do it. We give a few examples of vehicles you can use to get to the level of success you want, but ultimately, its your why that pushes you be successful at whatever it is that your doing. This is where you should start if you do not know the secrets to succeeding at anything you want to succeed at in life.
The first two blogs are reviews on a book and a teacher, that educate you on the stock market. The book is a great read. The last blog is a teach on financial education. He is my favourite person to learn from.
This is a little story about the progress and past history on our journey. Give it a read.
Here are the last of our blogs.
I hope you have found some that sparked your interest, and you enjoyed. Feel free to follow us on twitter, facebook, and you can even add my facebook account personally. Thank you for reading.
The face to the name